Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Save all leaf nodes of a Binary tree in a Doubly Linked List by using Right node as Next node and Left Node as Previous Node.

Sample tree

/ \
      2   3
     /\    /\
   4  5  6 7

Sample output 4 -> 2 -> 5 -> 1 -> 6 -> 3 -> 7

c# code

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Test
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            BinaryTreeNode b = new BinaryTreeNode();
            b.Data = 1;
            b.Left = new BinaryTreeNode(){Data = 2, Left = new BinaryTreeNode(){Data = 4}, Right = new BinaryTreeNode(){Data = 5}};
            b.Right = new BinaryTreeNode(){Data = 3, Left = new BinaryTreeNode(){Data = 6}, Right = new BinaryTreeNode(){Data = 7}};
            LinkedListNode ll = TreeToLinkedList(b);
            var temp = ll;
            while (temp.Previous != null)
                temp = temp.Previous;

            while (temp != null)
                Console.Write(" -> ");
                temp = temp.Next;

        static LinkedListNode TreeToLinkedList(BinaryTreeNode node)
            if (node == null) return null;
            var linkedListNode = new LinkedListNode {Data = node.Data};
            var leftLinkedList = TreeToLinkedList(node.Left);
            var rightLinkedList = TreeToLinkedList(node.Right);
            //Travel to left most node
            var temp = leftLinkedList;
            if (temp?.Next != null)
                temp = temp.Next;

            linkedListNode.Previous = temp;
            //Travel to right most node
            temp = rightLinkedList;
            if (temp?.Previous != null)
                temp = temp.Previous;

            linkedListNode.Next = temp;
            if (linkedListNode.Previous != null)
                linkedListNode.Previous.Next = linkedListNode;

            if (linkedListNode.Next != null)
                linkedListNode.Next.Previous = linkedListNode;
            return linkedListNode;

    class BinaryTreeNode
        public int Data { get; set; }
        public BinaryTreeNode Left { get; set; }
        public BinaryTreeNode Right { get; set; }

    class LinkedListNode
        public int Data;
        public LinkedListNode Previous { get; set; }
        public LinkedListNode Next { get; set; }