Thursday, February 19, 2009

Converting file length into User friendly format (GB, MB, KB, Bytes)

Use following function to convert file length in bytes to user friendly format

private string FormatByteSize(long length)
const int KB = 1024;
const int MB = 1024 * KB;
const int GB = 1024 * MB;
if (length > GB)
return (length / GB).ToString("0.00") + " GB";
else if (length > MB)
return (length / MB).ToString("0.00") + " MB";
else if (length > KB)
return (length / KB).ToString("0.00") + " KB";
return length.ToString()+" Bytes";

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Silverlight Calculator

Calculator built using silverlight

Source Code can be found here

Silverlight Error handling at user control level

When you are developing user control in Silverlight you might want to handle all errors for that user control at one place. For handling all errors at one place you have to subscribe to event
UnhandledException of the App class
  public partial class Page : UserControl

public Page()



App.Current.UnhandledException += new EventHandler(Current_UnhandledException);


void Current_UnhandledException(object sender, ApplicationUnhandledExceptionEventArgs e)


//handle exception here. like showing a message box

